I’m pretty much done adding new features, and I’m now just fixing bugs in it. Once it’s reasonably stable, I’ll release it. This is the current list of changes:
- Dev: LH_QtPlugin.(cpp|h) split up into LH_QtPlugin and LH_QtInstance, project file modification needed.
- Dev: Setup item help added, recompile needed.
- Dev: SignLibrary argument ordering changes; use ‘SignLibrary -?’ for usage.
- Fix: Detect Logitech Gaming Software version 7.
- LH_Lua: Lua console output is now shown in a fixed-width font in the log.
- LH_Lua: Changed how the callback token and ‘self’ table are handled.
- LH_Lua: Added setup items support.
- LH_Lua: Added Win32 font creation support for Lua Cairo.
- LH_Lua: Added __pairs metamethod calling.
- LH_Lua: One may now iterate over lcdhost.state and other LCDHost pseudo-tables.
- LH_Lua: Added print_r.lua which provides the useful print_r() function.
- LH_Lua: Added Lua binding libraries for some Qt DLL’s.